Every year brings us new opportunities for our personal growth. 2024 has just started and we slowly grow into it. Although calendar wise the New year 2024 started on January 1st. The closing of one chapter and opening of a new one does not go so drastic. Naturally it takes a couple of weeks or even months for us to ease into 2024. So in case you have been too busy in the last weeks of 2023 with celebrations and to take a moment for yourself. Take your time now to reflect upon the past 2023 learnings. Why is It important for our personal growth to reflect upon the past year? Looking back on past year achievements helps to build our confidence. We easily overlook what we have achieved, as so many things in life demand our attention simultaneously. When we take a moment to reflect what we have achieved and how, it give us a sense of self-sufficiency and confidence, building our personal power. Reflection gives insights to stop repeating the same stories. When we reflect upon the past, there is a distance between that our past version and the now. This makes it less emotionally triggering and creates space to see the learnings from the challenges, fears and struggles we have experienced in the past year. Offering us the possibility to take ownership of the experienced discomfort and see what we can and want to change within ourselves in order to not repeat the same story. We build the present on the foundation of the past. The past is the foundation for the present, influencing our thoughts, values, conditioning and behaviour. Observation of the self brings beliefs, values and thoughts to the surface so they no longer affect from the subconscious but transform into constructive building blocks of our present. Let’s contemplate on our 2023…
Now go through your answers and mark, highlight the most inspiring answers that you want to have as a building block for 2024.
Note this is written based on the belief that our soul is here on this earth, in this body and in this life to learn and that all experiences are in purpose to the expansion of our consciousness to be more aligned with authentic essence and create together heaven on earth. Note this is written based on the belief that our soul is here on this earth, in this body and in this life to learn and that all experiences are in purpose to the expansion of our consciousness to be more aligned with authentic essence and create together heaven on earth. Note this is written based on the belief that our soul is here on this earth, in this body and in this life to learn and that all experiences are in purpose to the expansion of our consciousness to be more aligned with authentic essence and create together heaven on earth.
“I focus my attention on what my heart truly desires and so I manifest myself into being” We have a new moon when the sun and moon align. This is the beginning of a new cycle, where both the sun and moon shine a light on a new aspect of ourselves. This new moon in Aries highlights, our sense of self: our potential, self-image, the way how we approach life, take care of our body, and express our identity. ARIES Zodiac Aspect: Sense of self Element: Fire Quality: New beginnings, initiation, taking action. Energy center: Solar Plexus ContemplationThe initiation of a New Zodiac cycle is THE moment to take action! Collectively we have chosen to start the new year in January. Setting our new year's resolutions to change our habits, start new projects, diets and jobs. Though the time from January to end of March it is still winter. This is the season where energetically go within and are more introvert to discover our inner worlds and get to know the depths of our being. We take the time to listen to our inner voice and needs and from here we can decide what our focus is for our life. Then we spring comes it is time to take action, show your new projects, start to co-create and make the changes to your diet, habit and way of thinking. This is what nature shows us. As the new leaves grow from the trees, fields are filled with flowers and birds start to sing. What has been emerging within you during winter and you feel now is the time to start? ❂ Be bold and courageous and stretch beyond what you have ever done before The astrological new year starts with the sign of Aries. Making it the beginning of the wheel of the zodiac. Therefore when the sun and moon is in Aries we naturally feel activated to start new and do something we have never done before. A time where we feel inspired to bit a bit more courageous than normal to step out of our comfort zone and explore new unknown territories. What would you like to start in your life for which you need to be courageous? ❂ The season of fire requires a true commitment to inner peace. Every sign of the Zodiac is connected to one of the four elements. Aries is related to Fire. This means that the coming cycle things can heat up in your life and in the world: Conflict, abrupt endings, fast beginnings and quick initiations. In order to navigate the power of fire it is important to be able to bring yourself to a place of tranquility. What is your practice or way to be in a state of inner peace? How could you cultivate more peacefulness in your life? ❂ The moment for deep healing so you can move forward in freedom. This new moon also lights up the aspects of ourselves that trigger us. Only when they come to light we can embrace these aspects and be no longer a slave of our wounds, like abandonment, rejection, shame, inadequacy, low self worth, etc. This is the path to our true freedom. So keep a watchful eye this month and observe your triggers and welcome them as opportunities for deep healing. What are currently the most triggering aspects of your life, specially around your identity? People, situations? And how do they trigger you? What wound do they trigger (abandonment, rejection, shame, inadequacy, low self worth, unlovable). ❂ HerbsPlants are our wise companions. They help us integrate our lessons, give us strength and love to overcome the challenges, raise our energetic vibration and open us up to our wholeness. Here are some great companions for the Aries Cycle: Nettle is your guide for Cleansing. Emotionally releasing all the anger you have been holding on to. Physically to clean your liver and blood for healthy growth during the spring time. Nettle gets things moving especially if you have been experiencing stagnation. Lemon Balm a gentle calming of the nervous system during this fiery season. If you do not have an inner peace practice, a cup of lemon balm will do you great favour. Balancing body and mind and transforming your thought from negative into more positive. Tarot GuidanceInsight by the power of tarot on what we need this coming cycle for our personal growth and manifesting our heart-felt desires.
RitualRituals are ways to welcome in forces that are bigger than us, so we feel supported and strengthened on our life path. Here is some inspiration for your Aries New Moon Ritual. Be creative and bring in as many extra elements as you want.
The power of community
Did you feel inspired? Share your new moon ritual with us on instagram or in a personal message. Nature opens up the senses, brings us back to ourselves and effortlessly calms the mind.
Meditation can be practised anywhere and anytime. Though when practised outdoors mindfulness and meditation happen to be more naturally and effortlessly. Let’s walk through a few reasons why. Find out how flowers support your physical, mental and emotional well being. Every flower has its own unique qualities that can support your personal growth, healing and well being. There are multiple ways to tap into the flower’s power:
The space element welcomes expansiveness and endless possibilities in our lives. It’s within the nothingness where we come to understand we are more than the physical body, more than our daily reality, that we are part of something bigger than us.
This is the most subtle of the five elements and most difficult to grasp. We cannot see it, feel it, touch it, but we can sense it. This is the element that exists in relationship to other the elements earth, water, fire and air, giving them a place to exist. In essence, space is emptiness. Air element to tap into the full potential of your intelligence, curiosity and communication.4/23/2020 Connecting to the air element is the most effective way to tap into the potential of your intelligence, curiosity and communication.
What do you associate with the air element? How does air affect other things? Our whole universe is made up of water, every single being and element on this earth consists of water. 75% of Earth surface is covered by water with its oceans, rivers, lakes and streams. The water falling from the humid clouds as rain, penetrating the soil.
When we tap into the qualities of Fire, what will this bring to you?
How is the fire element represented in your life? Connecting to the earth is one of the quickest ways to get yourself out of your head and bring yourself back into balance.
What comes to mind when you think of the element earth? How is the earth represented in your life? |
AuteurOn my mind.... Archieven
January 2024